FEBS Education Platform

FEBS Biochemistry Education Workshop

Smolenice (Slovakia), 12–13 September 2011

With the Slovakian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


First day:

13.00-13:30 Registration

13:30 -13:50 Introduction to the Workshop

13:50- 14.20 Biochemistry Education in Slovakia — K Mikusova

14.20-14.30 Discussion

Workshop on Post-Graduate Education

14.30–14.40 Introduction.

14.40–15.10 “Quality in Post-Graduate Education”

15.10–15.30 Short coffee break and dividing into groups

15.30 -16.30 Small Group Discussions on 1. Student abilities and supervisor’s skills, 2. Role of the supervisory committee, 3. PhD curriculum, 4. Experimental research-based thesis. 5. Assessment of thesis

16.30–17.15 Presentations of small groups to the whole group

17.15- 18.00 “What abilities are needed by the student and what skills are needed by the supervisor”

18.00–18.30 General Discussion on Post-Graduate Education and Close

Second day:

Workshop on Problem-Based Learning (PBL)

08:45- 09:00 Introduction

09:00-10.30 Talks on Manchester and Izmir PBL experiences

10.30-10:45 Coffee and Dividing into Groups

10:45-11.45 First PBL session

11.45-12.45 Second PBL session

12.45-14:00 Lunch

14:00-14:30 Designing the curriculum/Facilitation

14.30-15:00 General discussion on PBL

15.00-17.15 What is Quality in Education (Interactive Session with coffee)