FEBS Education Platform

Resources for education in Biochemistry

Proposal for a resource to be included in the FEBS Education Platform

We are seeking to prepare a collection of pointers to resources and material that are of educational value for the community of students and instructors of biomolecular sciences.
Ideally, they should be free (so that anyone can use them at no cost). Most important, rather than a mere list of links, the purpose is to build a curated repository, with sound descriptions and commentaries that will guide prospective adopters.

Suggestions of available resources are welcome. Please, fill in the following details and submit to FEBS Education Platform webmaster.

  [ clear all fields in this form ]
Title of the resource
After the main description, you are welcome to be verbose and expand on the features, any strong and weak points, suitability, etc. This will help others in assessing the convenience of the resource for their situation.
Institution / affiliation
Use numbers if needed, to match affiliations with authors.
Location URL:
downloadable works on-line
Features text images animated drawings
video sound interactive
Progression through contents is linear nonlinear Linear means there is a fixed order through the content sections or the actions. Nonlinear means there are different ways of going through the material and the user will decide..
Level basic medium advanced
high school pre-graduate post-graduate
Age range: e.g. <18, >18, 20-22; this helps readers from other countries to understand the educational level
Software needed a specific program needs to be installed
needs some common program (word processor, spreadsheet...), other than a web browser and a pdf viewer
runs in the web browser but some complement must be installed (Flash Player, Java, QuickTime Player...)
no special software (e.g. just the web browser or a pdf viewer)
Compatible with:
desktop: Windows MacOS Linux
mobile: iOS (iPad, iPhone) Android (tablet, phone)
Language English Spanish French German Portuguese
other(s): please specify→
Licence of use not specified / unknown
commercial (you must pay for installing or using the resource)
other licence; please specify→
if possible, to a pdf or xps file (see help on this) and them email that to
Otherwise, print to paper, scan and email.
Thank you for your contribution!